Pappaperm - Week 2 and 3

So I learned pretty quickly that writing in this blog every day is unrealistic. You don't get that much free time when looking after an 8 and a half month-year-old, and when you do, there are plenty of things that need doing.

The main point of this is to show Hunter one day so I shall continue to write them every week or so with a round up of what we've been up to.

Early last week it hit me as to why being on paternity/maternity leave is difficult. The first week had flown by and I felt way less tired than I do when teaching, lulling me in to a false sense that the next 14 weeks would be a breeze. Only a day or two into week 2 and isolation kicked in. Of course, you can go out and walk etc. but nothing beats human contact. Hunter is indeed a human, but the conversations we have seem quite one sided and are usually a running commentary of what I happen to be doing at that time. Usually in the form of a song:

Hunter James, Hunter James,
Please don't cry, 
While I'm doing a shit.

Hunter James, Hunter James,
One more wipe, 
I've finished my shit. 

(Spiderman melody...)

Anyway, I'm not sure how Stine managed to be off for such a long time and continue to be a wonderful wife and mother. I guess that now I have spotted the problem its up to me to keep myself sane. Not entirely sure how right now but I've been feeling pretty good recently.

Little orangutan.

So - what have we been up to? Well, lots of walks around town (the weather has turned all sorts of shite so mountain walks aren't the most convenient at the moment), crawling around the house, napping, changing nappies, listening to music, baking and cooking.

Music: Bon Iver has been the main soundtrack as well as some Pulp.

Food: Made some pretty good pizza dough, ostehorns (ham and cheese horn things), garlic naan, french apple cake and rustic bread. Hunter hasn't helped at all.

This week, we took Hunter in to his future barnehage to meet the staff and have a look around. The place is awesome and I am very jealous that he will get to hang around there all day playing, reading ,eating, feeding the chickens, cooking etc.  I'm sure he will love it and it will be good for him to spend some time with other littluns (although it's guaraneed that he will get sick loads at the start).

The plan is for us to slowly get him into it, starting with once a week then increasing towards December when he'll go full time. I'll use these odd days to start my Masters and get the first module done before going back to work.

The cat also keeps us company (her name is Kompany so that's almost a pun) and today she had to go to the vet for her check up. This means I would need to get her and Hunter over to the mountain and in to the car. It is also pissing down with rain. So I first got the bag out and sprayed it with catnip to ease the pain, then got Hunter ready with his rain gear and socks and hat etc. Then got myself ready and put the baby carrier on so that I can carry Komps and still be able to lock the door etc. I get back to Hunter and he's taken his socks off as per usual so I put them back on and then went and put Kompany into the bag. She wasn't too happy about it as she's a proper indoor cat. I then went back and got Hunter up in the carrier before realising he'd taken one of the socks off. Got it back on and realised that Kompany was stood right next to me. So then I cornered her in our bedroom and managed to pick her up while bending over with Hunter on my chest and got her back in the bag - this time making sure it was super fully closed. Didn't bother bringing the backpack with all the nappies and emergency milk etc as its a quick appointment and I couldn't be arsed carrying any more. Got outside and its teeeeeming down so we get a wriggle on to the mountain car park and get them all in the car etc. When we pulled up at the vets, I went to pick up Hunter and he fecking stunk. Shat himself like a gooden and, of course, I hadn't brought the backpack. So, we stunk out the vets but everything was great with Komps so wasn't a long one.  After parking in the mountain and walking back to the house, just as we approached the front door, I realised that Hunter's right sock was missing. So we walked all the way back, retracing our steps aaaaaallll the way back to just next to the car where his little blue wool sock was laying.

So that was a little snippet of what could either be my life or a shit sitcom.

Ready to wave at mum when she comes home.
I probably sound a little sarcy and negative on this blog but in all honesty I am loving spending good quality time with Hunter (and I'm not just saying that because he might read it one day) - he is flipping amazing and always happy and fun to be with. Even when he kicks his fecking socks off all the fecking time.

On Friday, we went into school to see the class - of course, as soon we pulled up in the car Hunter shat so I had to quickly find a place to change him before stinking out the classroom. The kids loved him and after he warmed up a little, he was enjoying having 10 little monsters all over him. Later, we met onkel Frodes and tante Emma and enjoyed a Molo burger and some beers. Hunter is so in love with them and thoroughly enjoyed spending the evening and then the whole of Saturday and Sunday on the island visiting his oldemor and oldefar. The weather was beeeaaautiful so we headed out for a little walk to the park for him to pay in his new clothes, handmade by Perny :)

Family frokost

And that leads us into week 4. The weather is still mint so looking forward to some time in nature with the little man.



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